Thursday, October 11, 2007

Curse of a generation

At one of my daughter's birthday parties I noticed that all of the girls were on their cell phones. No one was talking to anyone there, only to those who weren't. I commented to one of them, "This is the curse of your generation. You are so busy telling someone what you are doing, that you aren't actually doing anything at all."

She didn't get it.


empiffle 一日の締めは柘榴酒で。焼酎に柘榴を漬け込んだだけでこうも美味くなるとは...コップ1杯ロックでほろ酔い。ではまた明日。 ... from web

Isn't that scintillating? Now I can answer that life-changing question -- What are YOU doing right now?

Who cares? I don't know you. I don't want to know you.

Another one to skip.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


I realize that being anti-consumption is close to being anti- (or is that un?) American, but there you have it. I don't consume much of anything other than food, drink, air, and the utilities that let me live and work.

So no, I am not signing up for that "service," thank you very much.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Thoughts unwritten

I guess I should figure out how to use this before definitively deciding that I don't want to have one. That is to remain, Blog Free...