Thursday, October 11, 2007


empiffle 一日の締めは柘榴酒で。焼酎に柘榴を漬け込んだだけでこうも美味くなるとは...コップ1杯ロックでほろ酔い。ではまた明日。 ... from web

Isn't that scintillating? Now I can answer that life-changing question -- What are YOU doing right now?

Who cares? I don't know you. I don't want to know you.

Another one to skip.


Teresa said...

I don't think much about Twitter, but one of my own blogs is pretty much Twitter as it is, except no one is following me. I did read a very interesting post about Twitter on YALSA blog. I'll see if I can make the link work:

Twitter and Teen

Ian said...
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Ian said...

response post